Chickpeas and Anaerobic Bacteria

By June Amram

Yesterday I put chickpeas in fresh water.

Today the chickpeas smelled like raw sewage.

The anaerobic bacteria got into it because we left the chickpeas in water and left it out and anaerobic bacteria are everywhere.

I'm pouring the anaerobic chickpea water into the strainer so the water will come out and the chickpeas will get caught by the net.

Here are the chickpeas in the net. I'm holding a chickpea that hasn't sprouted yet. It's shriveled, hard, and small. The chickpeas in the net are smooth, soft, and big.

I'm washing the chickpeas with water to rinse off the anaerobic bacteria.

Here the chickpeas are clean and in fresh water. Tomorrow they'll be anaerobic again and I'll go back and clean them again until they sprout.

Then I'll plant them in soil. In the soil they won't be anaerobic because the soil brings in the air.

Wheat and Chickpeas

By Paula Hewitt Amram

June planted wheat grass seeds and parsley.

She ground up the same kind of wheat seed with a mortar and pestle.

It took a long time to get even a small amount of flour. But she was satisfied because it looked like flour.

She separated the small amount of fine flour she got from the larger pieces of wheat in a sifter.

Then she cracked dried chickpeas.

The chickpea skins flaked off.

She blew the skins off the chickpeas into the compost bin.

She put the cracked chickpeas to the side to make into something another time and she mixed the wheat flour with cold water in a bowl.

She put some of the whole dried chickpeas into some cold water, and set them next to the flour and water mixture. She let the flour and water sit for a while so it might attract some wild yeast.

Then she formed it into a small spiral shaped loaf, baked it, and ate it.

More about yeast

By June Amram

Each bread is totally different, even if you mirror what the other person does and how they knead it, you have different yeast and enzymes. You have different dna, so everything about you makes the difference in how your dough looks, tastes, feels, and smells.


By June Amram

I want to discover a new color or a yeast and have it named after me.

I can't think of a new color, but since we can't see every color there must be colors we haven't discovered. 

I'd like to discover yeast that's in your organs. It's cool that they're in such things as organs, that work to clean out things.  

The yeast in bread smells sweet and salty and a tiny touch of bitter. It has a milky flavor.